In a claim for total disability benefits under the Defense Base Act, FHM Partner John F. Karpousis and Associate Matthew J. Pallay succeeded in a complete denial of the claim. In a case tried before Administrative Law Judge Monica Markley in Columbia, South Carolina involving five witnesses, ALJ Markley found the claimant’s traumatic back injury to be time barred based on claimant’s failure to report same and based in part on our unearthing of several e-mails between GIS and the claimant where he never mentioned his injury. ALJ Markley also denied the claim for cumulative trauma to his back because we were able to show major gaps and improvements in the medical treatment timeline through our experts and the treating physicians. This is Freehill partner John Karpousis’ fourth complete defense verdict in a row in a trial arising under the DBA. To read ALJ Markley’s 41 page decision, click HERE.